What is it called in different languages?
English: safflower leaves
Hindi: kusum patta
Tamil: kusumba ilakal
Manipuri: kusumlei
Telugu: Kusuma aakulu

About safflower leaves: The scientific name of safflower leaves is Carthamus Tinctorius. This crop belongs to the Asteraceae family. It is a multipurpose crop. These leaves are a rich source of fiber, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. This crop is mostly cultivated for the flowers which are used to produce yellow and red dyes for the food and clothes. **Pregnant women should avoid the consumption of safflower leaves as it leads to mensuration.

– Treats diabetes
– Improves heart health
– Helpful for obesity patients
– Gives healthy hair (on direct application)
– Improves skin health
– Regulates prostaglandins
– Enhances immunity
– Boosts immunity
– Regulates blood sugar levels

– You can make fry or roast using seeds of safflower crop and add it to chutneys
– You can make dal using leaves of safflower –
– Can make curry using leaves of safflower –