What is it called in different languages?
English: turmeric leaves
Hindi: haldi ka patta
Telugu: pasupu aakulu
Tamil: manjal ilaikal
Kannada: arashina elegalu

About turmeric leaves: The scientific name of turmeric is Curcuma longa. It belongs to the ginger family. Very few of us would be knowing about turmeric leaves! Turmeric leaves are no less a health and medicinal wonder. These leaves possess antiseptic, anti-carcinogenic properties. Turmeric leaves are rich in curcumin and antioxidants. Overdose of intake can cause harm therefore consumption must be in a limited amount.

– Improves digestion
– Reduces inflammation
– Makes your skin soft and glowing (external application)
– Acts as an antiseptic agent
– Prevents cough and cold
– Reduces aches and pains
– Treats malaria
– Cures sprains and swelling
– Treats jaundice

– You can make a special dish called patoli –https://youtu.be/uVs-OKnF5Rw
– Can make tea using turmeric leaves