What is it called in different languages?
Bengali: janum arak
English: prickly amaranth/ spiny amaranth
Hindi: chaulai bhaji
Kannada: mulludantina soppu
Marathi: kante math
Tamil: kuppaimulli
Telugu: erra mulu goranta/ mullu thota kura

About spiny amaranth: The scientific name of spiny amaranth is amaranthus spinosus. Other common names of spiny amaranth are spiny pigweed, prickly amaranth, thorny amaranth. It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. Spiny amaranth has a slightly bitter taste. This green vegetable is a rich source of vitamin A, K, B, proteins, and calcium.

– Aids weight loss
– Enhances eye health
– Treats gastrointestinal problems
– Gives healthy hair and prevents baldness
– Supports bone health

– You can make fry
– Can make curry
– You can make soup
– Can prepare chutney
– You can make dal